هذه دلائل صدق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم This marks the sincerity of the Prophet peace be upon him

هذه دلائل صدق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم This marks the sincerity of the Prophet peace be upon him

بقلم: عبدالرحمن بن عبدالخالق By: Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Khaliq

قلنـا إن المدخل إلى الإيمان هو معرفة الرسول لأن الرسول هو المختار من الله لتبليغ رسالته، وهو المؤتمن على وحي الله والمطلع -بإذن الله- على غيبه، وليس هناك باب آخر لمعرفة الغيب إلا من طريق الرسل. We said that the entrance to the faith is to know the messenger because the messenger is chosen by God to his message, which is entrusted with the revelation of God and familiar - God willing - the unseen, and there is another door to see the unseen except by the Apostles.
ولما كان ادعاء الرسالة يفعله الكذبة، ويفتريه المفترون وجب على كل ذي لب وعقل أن يعرف طريق التفريق بين من هو رسول الله حقاً وصدقاً فيؤمن به ويصدقه، وبين المدعي الكذاب فيكفر به ويكذبه. Since the letter does claim a lie, and Evtre Muftron shall be upon all the heart and mind to know by differentiating between who is the Messenger of God truly and sincerely Viwmn him and believe him, and between the plaintiff a liar by the atonement and deny it.
ولا شك أن من صدق الكاذبين فهو مثلهم، ومن كذب الصادقين فهو كافر جاحد. No doubt the veracity of the liars is just, and truthful lie is an infidel ungrateful.
وقلنـا إنه ليس هناك من رسول قامت له أدلة الصدق، وبراهينه ما قامت لخاتم الرسل محمد بن عبدالله صلوات الله وسلامه عليه. We said that there is no evidence of him by the Messenger of truth, and proof that the Seal of the Messengers of Mohammed bin Abdullah and blessings of Allaah be upon him. وقلنا إن مدارسة أدلة صدق الرسول تزيد أهل الإيمان إيماناً وتثبيتاً، وتفتح الطريق أمام المترددين والشاكين، بل والمعاندين والجاحدين لعلهم أن يرفعوا عن أعينهم الغشاوة، وعن قلوبهم الأقفال، وإلا فهي حجة الله تدمغهم، وتقطع عذرهم يوم لا ينفع الاعتذار، وتزيد في مقتهم أنفسهم مقتاً يوم يقولون: {لو كنا نسمع أو نعقل ما كنا في أصحاب السعير} We said that the schools evidence of sincerity of the Prophet more than the people of faith in faith, confirmation, and opens the way for the clients and the complainants, but stubborn and ungrateful in order that they can raise for their eyes blurred vision, and their hearts, locks, the only argument of God labeled, and cut their excuse on no benefit to apologize, and increase their abhorrence themselves an abomination on say: (if we had listened or understood what we were in the Blazing Fire)
وهذا -بحمد الله- أوان بيان جملة من الدلالات مما تقر به أعين المؤمنين، وترغم به أنوف الكافرين على صدق الرسول محمد بن عبدالله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وأنه رسول الله وخاتم النبيين حقاً وصدقاً. And that - thank God - time for a statement a number of indications, which is recognized in the eyes of the faithful, and force the noses of the unbelievers the truth of Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah, peace be upon him, and that the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets and really honest.
القرآن الكريم المعجزة الحية الباقية: Quran Miracles remaining live:
أول دلائل النبوة وأعظمها وأظهرها ظهوراً يفوق ظهور الشمس والقمر هو القرآن الكريم المنزل على قلب الرسول الأمين، بلسان عربي مبين تحدى الله به الأولين والآخرين أن يأتوا بسورة من مثل سوره فعجزوا وإلى يومنا هذا وإلى أن يرث الله ومن عليها قال تعالى: {قل لئن اجتمعت الإنس والجن على يأتوا بمثل هذا القرآن لا يأتون بمثله ولو كان بعضهم لبعض ظهيراً} وقال تعالى: {وإن كنتم في ريب مما نزلنا على عبدنا فاتوا بسورة من مثله وادعوا شهداءكم من دون الله إن كنتم صادقين* فإن لم تفعلوا ولن تفعلوا فاتقوا النار التي وقودها الناس والحجارة أعدت للكافرين} First signs of a prophet, the greatest and show visible than the appearance of the sun and the moon is the Koran home to the heart of the Prophet Secretary, Aalameen challenged by God first and others to come Surat such as AL anything like it and to this day, to inherit God and the Almighty said: (Say: "If I met mankind and the jinn to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they for some hinterland) and the Almighty said: (And if ye are in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto Our servant, then produce a sura or the like, and call thereunto, besides Allah, if ye are truthful * But if ye will not then fear the Fire whose fuel is people and stones, prepared for the unbelievers)
ووجه الإعجاز في القرآن كونه كلام عربي من جنس ما تكلم به العرب أهل الفصاحة والبلاغـة، ولكن يستحيل على أي أحد منهم أو غيرهم أن يؤلف كلاماً مثله في البيان والحلاوة والحسن والكمال والعذوبة وأداء المعنى المراد. And the Miracles in the Quran as the words of an Arab of the genus as Arabs speaking people of eloquence, but it is impossible for any one of them or others like him to compose the words in the statement and sweet and good and perfect sweetness and performance of intended meaning.
وقد وقع التحدي لهم بهذا القرآن بدءاً بأن يأتوا بمثله، ثم تنزل معهم إلى عشر سور ثم إلى سورة مثله، ثم إلى سورة واحدة من مثله. The signed challenge them from the Koran that produce the like thereof, then go down with them to ten and then to the wall like Surat, and then to Surat and one of the like. قال تعالى:{أم يقولون تقوله بل لا يؤمنون* فليأتوا بحديث مثله إن كانوا صادقين} (الطور:32-33) He says: (say or you say, but do not believe in speech * Let them like they are truthful) (Tur :32-33)
ثم تنزل معـهم إلى عشر سور فقال سبحانه وتعالى: {أم يقولون افتراه قل فاتوا بعشر سور مثله مفتريات وادعوا من استطعتم من دون الله إن كنتم صادقين} (هود:13) Then go down with them to ten Wall Almighty said: (Nay Say: Then bring ten surahs, the like thereof, invented, and call anyone you can besides Allah, if ye are truthful) (Hud: 13)
ثم تنزل معهم إلى سورة واحدة مثل سورة فقال تعالى: {أم يقولون افتراه قل فأتوا بسورة مثله وادعوا من استطعتم من دون الله إن كنتم صادقين} (يونس:38) Then go down with them to the AL one like Surat God said: (Say: "Nay, they came like Surat, and call anyone you can besides Allah, if ye are truthful) (Yunus: 38)
ثـم تنزل معهم إلى سورة من مثل سوره أي مما يشابهه ويقاربه قال تعالى: {وإن كنتم في ريب مما نزلنا على عبدنا فأتوا بسورة من مثله واعدوا شهداءكم من دون الله إن كنتم صادقين} (البقرة:23) Then go down with them to the AL, such as any of the AL is similar and near-Almighty said: (And if ye are in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto compiled beside Allah if ye are truthful) (The Cow: 23)
وقد عجزوا عن هذا كله وإلى يومنا هذا، فلم يدع أحد أنه قد ألف سورة من مثل القرآن لفظاً وصياغة وكفى بهذا العجز إعجازاً ودلالة أن القرآن كلام الله حقاً وصدقاً. Has failed all of this, to this day, no one has claimed that he had A copy of the Koran, such as rude and the formulation of which is sufficient to disability miraculous and a sign that the Qur'an is the Word of God truly and sincerely.
وإعجاز القرآن وعلوه عن كل كلام للبشر لا يفهمه إلا من يدرك ويفهم الفروق بين الأساليب العالية، والبيان الرفيع، وبين الأساليب الركيكة، والكلام الغثيث وبين درجات الكلام حسناً ودون ذلك وقبحاً كما أن معجزة موسى عليه السلام في جعل عصاه حية تسعى، وإخراج يده السمراء من جيبه بيضـاء من غير سوء، لا يفهم دليل الإعجاز فيها من لا يستطيع أن يفرق بين انقلاب الأعيـان وبين تخييل السحرة وجعلهم حبالهم وعصيهم في أعين المشاهدين كأنها حيات تسعى!! The miracle of the Qur'an and taller for all the words of people do not understand but who knows and understands the differences between the methods, high-statement high, and the methods is awkward, and the talk Algthit and degrees to speak well and without this, and ugly as that the miracle of Moses, peace be upon him to make his staff live, seek, and directed his hand, gave up his pocket a white non-poor, did not understand the miracle of the evidence can not distinguish between objects and the coup describe imaginary witches and make them their ropes and their rods in the eyes of viewers like snakes seeking!!
وكذلك معجزة عيسى عليه السلام لا يدركها من لا يعرف الفرق بين التطبيب البشري، وبين ما لا يستطيعه طب من إبراء الأكمه (الذي ولد أعمى)، وفتح آذان الأصـم، ولا يستطيع أن يفرق بين إفاقة المغمى عليه، وإخراج الميت من قبره حياً، وكما وجد من لا يفرق بين هذه المعجزات الحسية الظاهرة مما لا يقدر عليه إلا الله، وبين ما يشتبه بها مما يستطيعه البشر، وجد كذلك من لا يستطيع أن يفرق بين كلام معجز لا يستطيع البشر أن يؤلفوا مثله، وبين كلام يقوله الناس يستحيل معارضة القرآن به. As well as the miracle of Jesus was not understood by those who do not know the difference between telemedicine, human, and what can not do medicine from healing the blind (who was born blind), and open the ears of the deaf, and can not differentiate between surpass the one who is, and bring out the dead from the grave alive, and also found do not differentiate between these miracles sensory phenomenon which can not only God, and suspected them than can humans, also found those who can not differentiate between the words of prodigious humans can not to compose like him, and the words people say it is impossible to oppose the Qur'an it.
وأما لماذا لم تقنع هذه المعجزات كل أحد، ولم يؤمن بها كل من يراها فذلك لأن أكثر الناس في كل العصور هم رعاع أتباع كل ناعق.{وإذا قيل لهم اتبعوا ما أنزل الله قالوا بل نتبع ما ألفينا عليه آباءنا أولو كان آباءهم لا يعقلون شيئاً ولا يهتدون* ومثل الذين كفروا كمثل الذي ينعق بما لا يسمع إلا نداء دعاءاً ونداءاً صم بكم عمي فهم لا يعقلون} (البقرة:170-171) But why did not convince these miracles every one, did not believe anyone who sees it is because more people of all ages are rabble followers of any of the symbols. (When it is said unto them: Follow what Allah hath revealed, but they follow what we saw in our parents Oulu their parents do not understand anything, not * guided like those who disbelieve is like that herd, but does not hear the appeal and the appeal Daoua deaf, dumb and blind, they do not understand) (Baqarah :170-171)
والمعجزة البيانية في القرآن الكريم ثابتة بأقصر سورة منه، والبشر عاجزون منذ نزل القرآن وإلى يومنا في تأليف سورة من مثل سور القرآن بياناً وإبداعاً وحلاوة وطلاوة، وبلاغاً، وعجز البشر منذ نزول القرآن وإلى يومنا هذا عن معارضة كلام الله بكلام مثله أو قريباً منه هو من أعظـم الدلالات على نبوة الرسول عليه السلام، إذ ليس من شأن بشر أن يأتي بكلام لا يستطيع أحد من البشر أن يجاريه فيه أو يفوقه. The miracle graphs in the Koran fixed shortest Sura of it, human beings are unable to since the Quran was revealed and to date the author of Al such as the Quran statement, creativity and the sweetness and charm, and communications, and the inability of human beings since the revelation of the Qur'an and to this day, opposition to the Word of God words, like him or close to it is the greatest indication of the prophethood of the Prophet peace be upon him, as none of the humans to come with words one can not human beings that it matched or surpassed.
وليس هذا وحده هو وجه الدلالة علي أن القرآن كلام الله. This is not the only point here is that the Qur'aan is the word of God.
أوجه الدلالة على أن القرآن كلام الله عز وجل وليس كلام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: Aspects of significance that the Koran the word of God Almighty and not the words of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:
وأما أوجه الدلالة على أن القرآن كلام الله عدا إعجازه البياني فكثير جداً، وهذا غير معجزة القرآن البيانية والتي وقع التحدي فيها، ومن هذه الدلالات: The object of significance that the Koran the word of God except the likeness graph Too many, this is not a miracle Quran graphs and signed by the challenge, and these signs:
1) أخبار الأمم السابقين: 1) United News of former:
اخبار القرآن بغيوب كثيرة لم يشهدها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، ولم يقرأها في كتاب، ولا التقى بأحد ممن له علم بها فيتعلمها منه، وقد جاءت هذه الأخبار كما عند أهلها تماماً، ومن ذلك قصص الأنبياء السابقين، وأحوال الأمم الهالكة، وتفصيل ما وقع لهم، كما قال تعالى لرسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد أن قص عليه قصة يوسف بتفصيلاتها الكثيرة: {ذلك من أنباء الغيب نوحيه إليك، وما كنت لديهم إذا جمعوا أمرهم وهم يمكرون* وما أكثر الناس ولو حرصت بمؤمنين} (يوسف:102-103) News Quran Bgjub many not seen the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and did not read the book, and met one who has knowledge of Vialmha him, came the news as her family completely, and stories of past prophets, and the conditions of the United deceased, and detailing what happened them, as Allah said to His Messenger, peace be upon him after cutting it the story of Joseph Ptveseladtha many: (from news of the unseen reveal to you, and what you have if collected told them they plot Q: What most people though thou believe not) (Youssef :102-103)
والمعنى هذا الذي قصصناه عليه من شأن يوسف وأبويه وأخوته هو من أنباء الغيب التي لم تشهدها أنت فإنك لم تكن حاضراً عندما أجمع أخوة يوسف على إبعاده عن أبيه وإلقائه في غيابة الجب، ومكروا بأخيهم وأبيهم على ذلك النحو، ولكن الله هو الذي أطلعك على هذا الغيب وأوحـاه لك ليكون هذا دليلاً على صدقك، ومع هذا فإن أكثر الناس ولو حرصت على هدايتهم، وقدمت لهم هذه الأدلة القاطعة لا يؤمنون. The meaning is that which Qssnah it would Joseph and his parents and siblings is one of the news of the unseen, which has never seen you, you were not present when the whole Joseph's brothers to remove him from his father and throw it in the absence of pit, and plotted Bokehm and father in that way, but God is the one who can share with this unseen and protected from you to be a sign of sincerity, yet most people, even keen to guide them, and provided them with this crucial evidence will not believe.
وقال تعالى لرسوله أيضاً بعد أن قص عليه قصة موسى: {وما كنت بجانب الغربي إذ قضينا إلى موسى الأمر، وما كنت من الشاهدين* ولكنا أنشأنا قروناً فتطاول عليهم العمر وما كنت ثاويا في أهل مدين تتلوا عليهم آياتنا ولكنا كنا مرسلين* وما كنت بجانب الطور إذ نادينا ولكن رحمة من ربك لتنذر قوماً ما آتاهم من نذير من قبلك لعلهم يتذكرون} (القصص:44-46) The Almighty said to His Messenger, also after cutting it the story of Moses: (and I next to the Western as we spent to Moses, and what you witness * and We raised up Vttaul they age and you Thawaya in the people of debtor Ttheloa them Our Signs, but we were missionaries Q: What is you next to the stage The club, but a mercy from your Lord to warn a people to whom no warner came before thee, that they may receive admonition) (stories :44-46)
وقال تعالى أيضاً بعد أن قص الله على رسوله قصة مريم وما كان من شأنها في ولادتها ونشأتها وكفالتها وتعبدها... He says also that after the cut on the Messenger of God and the story of Mary that would in the birth and origins, and serve them, and ensure ... الخ: {ذلك من أنباء الغيب نوحيه إليك، وما كنت لديهم إذ يلقون أقلامهم أيهم يكفل مريم وما كنت لديهم إذ يختصمون} Etc: (from news of the unseen reveal to you, and I them when they cast their pens to ensure Ayham Mary and I used to have when they disputed)
وهذه القصص وتلك الأخبار التي جاءت مصدقةً لما في التوراة دليل واضح على أن القرآن من عند الله، وأن محمد بن عبدالله هو رسول الله حقاً وصدقاً. These stories and the news that came as certified in the Bible is clear evidence that the Qur'an is from Allah, and Muhammad bin Abdullah is the messenger of God truly and sincerely.
2) إخبار القرآن بما يأتي من الأحداث: 2) tell the Qur'an of the following events:
أخبار القرآن بأمور كثيرة تقع مستقبلاً وقعت كما أخبر الله بها تماماً كقوله تعالى: {وعد الله الذين آمنوا منكم وعملوا الصالحات ليستخلفنهم في الأرض كما استخلف الذين من قبلهم وليمكنن لهم دينهم الذي ارتضى لهم وليبدلنهم من بعد خوفهم أمناً يعبدونني لا يشركون بي شيئاً ومن كفر بعد ذلك فأولئك هم الفاسقون} (النور:55) News Quran a lot of things are the future and signed as told by God just interpretation of the meaning: (Allah has promised you who believe and do good deeds Istkhalafnhm the Revelation to those before them and debating to their religion are acceptable to them and Ibdlnhm after their fear safer worship Me, not associating me something and whoever disbelieves after that they are the transgressors) (Light: 55)
وقد تحقق هذا تماماً علماً أن كل الظواهر وقت نزول هذه الآيات كانت بخلاف ذلك فقد كان المسلمون بحال من الضعف مما لا يظن معه نصرهم، والكفار بحال من القوة والمنعة مما يظن أن الغلبة لهم. This has been achieved fully knowing that all of the phenomena at the time the descent of these verses, otherwise Muslims were in no weaknesses, which he does not think his victory, and the infidels in any force and strength, which thinks that prevail for them.
وكذلك قوله تعالى: {لقد صدق الله رسوله الرؤيا بالحق لتدخلن المسجد الحرام إن شاء آمنين محلقين رؤوسكم ومقصرين لا تخافون فعلم ما لم تعلموا فجعل من دون ذلك فتحاً قريباً* هو الذي أرسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ليظهره علي الدين كله وكفى بالله شهيداً} And also says: (The sincerity of the prophet of God vision in truth fulfilled the Grand Mosque willing secure their hair cut short not afraid He knew what was not learned and started without this breakthrough soon * it is Who sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion: and enough is Allah)
وفي هذه الآيات يخبر الله سبحانه وتعالى أن صلح الحديبية سيكون فتحاً مبيناً علماً أن الصحـابة أنفسهم الذين نزل القرآن عليهم،وعاشوا هذه الأحداث كانوا يظنون صلح الحديبية ذلاً وهزيمة لهم كما قال سهل بن حنيف رضي الله عنه: [أيها الناس اتهموا الرأي في الدين فلقد كدت أن أرد على رسول الله أمره، بعد حادثة أبي جندل] (رواه البخاري) In these verses tell of God Almighty to Khudaibiya would be a manifest victory note that the Companions themselves, who revealed the Koran to them, and have lived these events they think Khudaibiya humiliation and defeat them, and said Sahl ibn Hanif, may Allah be pleased with him: [O people accused of opinion in religion has almost to respond to the Messenger of God told him, after the incident of Abu Jandal] (Bukhari)
وقد كان الأمر كما أخبر الله سبحانه وتعالى وكان صلح الحديبية أعظم فتح في الإسلام خلافاً لما ظنه الجميع حتى إن الرسول نفسه الذي وقع هذا الصلح وارتضاه كان يقول عندما يسأل لماذا يرضى بهذا الصلح، وفيه ما فيه من قبول الدنية في الدين والإهانة للمسلمين: [إنه ربي ولن يضيعني] The matter was also told God was Khudaibiya the greatest conquest of Islam, contrary to what he thinks everyone, even the Prophet himself, who signed the peace and was approved he would say when asked why he agree to that, the peace, and there are things in which to accept Aldnip in religion and insult to the Muslims: [It God will not Bini]
فأي دليل أكبر من هذا على أن القرآن كلام الله سبحانه وتعالى وليس كلام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، ولو لم يكن مع الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم إلا هذا الدليل لكفى إثباتاً أنه رسول الله حقاً وصدقاً، وأن القرآن المنزل عليه هو كلام الله وليس كلام محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. What evidence is greater than this that the Koran the word of God Almighty and not the words of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, though not with the Prophet peace be upon him only this directory is sufficient proof that the Messenger of God truly and sincerely, and that the Koran home it is the Word of God and not the words of Muhammad peace be upon him.
3) ومن الأدلة كذلك على أن القرآن من عند الله وليس من عند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إخباره بحقيقة مقالة النصارى في عيسى بن مريم واختلاف أمرهم فيه، وهذا أمر كان النصارى يخفونه ويكتمونه ولا يذيعونه، فأنى لرجل أمي لم يقرأ ولم يكتب ولم يجادل أحداً من الأمم في دينهم ولا عرف شيئاً مما عند اليهود والنصارى أن يدل النصارى على حقيقة أقوالهم في دينـهم، وحقيقة اختلافهم، ويعلم ما يخفونه من هذا الدين، ثم يقيم الحجة القاطعة عليهم التي يقطعهم بها، ويدفع باطلهم، ويميت دعوتهم. 3) It is evidence also that the Koran is from God and not from the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him informed of the fact that article Christians Jesus son of Mary and the different ordered it, and this is the Christians hiding and Ictmonh not Iveonh, I am a man my mother did not read did not write, did not argue one of the nations in their religion does not know anything about what the Jews and Christians to point Christians to the fact that their statements in their religion, and the fact that they differ, and He knows what are they hiding from this religion, and argue unequivocal them that Iqtahm, and pay their falsehood, and limit their calling.
وحول هذا الدليل يقول القاضي عبدالجبار الهمداني رحمه الله في كتابه تثبيت دلائل النبوة: "ومن آياته وأعلامه صلى الله عليه وسلم إخباره عن النصرانية ومذاهب النصارى من هذه الطوائف الثلاث منهم، وهي الباقية القائمة الراهنة في قولهم أن المسيح عيسى بن مريم هو الله، وأن الله ثالث ثلاثة، فإن هذه الطوائف الثلاث من الملكية واليعقوبية والنسطورية، لا يختلفون في أن المسـيح عيسى بن مريم ليس بعبد صالح ولا بنبي ولا برسول، وأنه هو الله في الحقيقـة، وأنه هو الذي خلق السموات والأرض والملائكة والنبيين، وأنه هو الذي أرسل الرسل وأظهر على أيديهم المعجزات، وأن للعالم إلهاً هو أب والد لم يزل، غير مولود، وأنه قديم خالق رازق، وإله هو ابن مولود، وأنه ليس بأب ولا والد، وأنه قديم حي خالق رازق، وإله هو روح قدس ليس بأب والد ولا ابن مولود، وأنه قديم حي خالق رازق، وأن الذي نزل من السماء، وتجسد من روح القدس ومن مريم البتول، وصار هو ابنها إلهاً واحداً ومسمى واحداً وخالقاً واحداً ورازقاً واحداً، وحبلت به مريم وولدته، وأخذ وصلب وتألم، ومات ودفن، وقام بعد ثلاثة أيام وصعد إلى السماء وجلس عن يمين أبيه (قلت: هذا ملخص الأمانة النصرانية التي وضعها النصارى في مؤتمرهم الأول عام 320م) فحكى قولهم في أن المسيح هو الله وإن الله ثالث ثلاثة. On this evidence, "said Judge Abdul Jabbar Al-Hamdani Allah's mercy in his book to install signs of prophecy:" And among His signs and informing peace be upon him telling him about Christianity and the doctrines of the Christians of these three groups of them, the remaining current list in saying that the Messiah Jesus son of Mary is God, and God the third of three, these three communities from the Property and the Jacobite and Nestorian, do not differ in that the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, not Abdul Saleh is a prophet and messenger, and it is God's truth, and it was he who created the heavens and the earth, the angels and the prophets, and it was he who sent messengers and showed the hands miracles, and that the world God is the father's father was still, not born, and it is old creator of the Giver, and the God is the son of births, and that no door, no father, and it is old neighborhood Creator Razek, and God is the Holy Spirit is not the father of the father nor the son was born, and it is old neighborhood Creator Raziq, and those who came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became the son god, one named and one and creating one-Raozka one, conceived by Mary gives birth to him, and took and crucified, suffered, died and was buried, and has three days later and ascended into heaven and sat down the right hand of his father (I: Christianity is a summary of the Secretariat established by the Christians at their first in 320 m) recounting saying that Christ is God and that God is the third of three.
وهكـذا مذهبهم في الحقيقة ولا يكادون يفصحون به بل يدافعون عن حقيقته ما أمكنهم، حتى إن أرباب المقالات (يعني المصنفون في العقائد والفرق والنحل) وأهل العناية بها من المصنفين لا يكادون يحصلون هذه منهم، وإنك لتجد الناظرين منهم والمجادلين عنهم إذا سألتهم عن قولهم في المسيح، قالوا: قولنا فيه أنه روح الله وكلمته مثل قول المسلمين سواءاً، أو يقول: إن الله واحد... Thus, their beliefs in the truth and are hardly ever announcing it, but defend the reality of what they can, so that the heads of the articles (ie, ranked in the creeds, sects and bees) and the people take care of classified hardly ever get this from them, and you to find the viewers of them, and polemics from them if I asked them what they say in Christ They said: we say that the Spirit of God and His Word, such as Muslims to say, whether, or to say: God is one ... وتجده صلى الله عليه وسلم وقد حكى حقيقة مذهبهم، ولم يكن صلى الله عليه وسلم من المجادلين ولا من المتنبئين، ولا ممن يقرأ الكتب ويلقى من هذا، فانتشر هذا عنه صلى الله عليه وسلم، وفتش الناس عنه بعد ذلك فوجدوا الأمر كما قال صلى الله عليه وسلم وكما فصل، بعد الجهد وطول الاستقصاء في الطلب والتفتيش، وما أكثر ما تلقى منهم فيقول: ما قلنا في المسيح أنه الله، ولا قلنا: إن الله ثالث ثلاثة، ومن حكى هذا عنا فقد أخطأ وكذب، ليعلم أن وقوف محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم هذا إنما هو من قبل الله عز وجل، وأن ذلك من آياته ". And find peace be upon him has told the truth to their beliefs, not peace be upon him from the polemics and forecasters, who do not have read the books and deliver this, Vantcher this for peace be upon him, and searched people away from him after that and found it also said the blessings of Allaah be upon him peace and as a chapter, after the effort and the length of the survey in the application and inspection, and most received them and says: what we have Christ to be God, and we said: Allah is the third of three, and told the us has made a mistake and a lie, to know that the parking of Muhammad peace be upon him This is by God Almighty, and that of His signs. "
قلت: وقد كان النصارى منذ ما نزل القرآن وظهر أمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في عنايــة تامة لإبطال دين الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وإطفاء نور الإسلام، وحنق شديد على الإسـلام وأهله، وقد كان يكفى في ذلك أن يثبتوا أن ما قاله الرسول عنهم في شأن عيسى ليس هو ما يقولـونه وما يعتقدونه، وأنه كذب عليهم، وأنه قال عنهم ما لم يقولوه، بل أنهم لما نشروا مذهبهم، وأظهروا مقالاتهم، وأخرجوا للعالم ما سموه (الأمانة) وهي حقيقة قولهم في عيسى عليه السلام كانت تماماً كما حكى القرآن عنهم فهل يمكن لرجل أمي أن يعلم حقيقة دين يخفيه أهله عن عامتهم. I said: It was the Christians since the Quran was revealed and the back of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him at full attention on the Abolition of the religion of the Prophet peace be upon him and extinguish the light of Islam, the anger heavily on Islam and its people, and it was enough in that to prove that what the prophet for them in the The ISA is not what they say and what they think, and that he lied to them, and he said to them is did not say, but that when they spread their beliefs, and showed the papers, and pulled out to the world what they called (Secretariat), a fact they say in Jesus peace be upon him was exactly as told Koran them does Can a man who knows my mother to hide the fact that the religion of his family for the common folk.
إبطال الرسول لدين النصارى من أعظم أدلة نبوته: Abolition of the Apostle to the religion of the Christians of the greatest evidence of his Prophethood:
بل إن ما جـاء به القرآن الكريم في إبطال دين النصرانية، وفساد عقائدهم لهو من أعظم الأدلة على أن محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم هو رسول الله حقاً وصدقاً، فقد كان حظ العرب المشركون من فهم عقائد النصارى أن اعتقدوا أن آلهتهم خير من المسيح بن مريم!! Indeed, as stated in the Holy Quran invalidate the religion of Christianity, and the corruption of their beliefs is a one of the greatest evidence that Muhammad, peace be upon him is the messenger of God really and truly, it was luck Arab polytheists to understand the beliefs of the Christians that they believe that their god is better than Jesus the son of Mary! ! كما قال تعالى عنهم: {ولما ضرب ابن مريم مثلاً إذا قومك منه يصدون وقالوا آلهتنا خير أم هو ما ضربوه لك إلا جدلاً بل هم قوم خصمون} As he says of them: (And when the son of Mary, for example, if your people turn away from it and said our gods better, or is it you only beat him controversial but they are people _khasmon)
وأما القرآن فإنه دحض جميع حجج النصارى، وبين كذبهم وفساد معتقدهم في عيسى عليه السلام، وأنه لم يصلب ولم يقتل، وأنه لم يكن إلا عبداً صالحاً ورسولاً كريماً أعلن عبوديته منذ ولادته: {قال إني عبدالله آتاني الكتاب وجعلني نبياً، وجعلني مباركاً أينما كنت، وأوصاني بالصلاة والزكاة ما دمت حياً، وبراً بوالدتي ولم يجعلني جباراً شقياً، والسلام علي يوم ولدت ويوم أموت ويوم أبعث حياً} وفي هذا أعظـم رد على الذين قالوا إنه إله من إله، وأنه هو خالق للسماوات والأرض، لأنه ليس من شأن الإله الخالق أن يولد ويموت، وتكون له والدة، وليس من شأن الإله أن يصلي!! The Koran, it refuted all the arguments of the Christians, and the lies and corruption of their belief in Jesus, and that he was not crucified or killed, and that was only a slave to a good and a messenger generous announced bondage from birth: (said: "I Abdullah has given me the book and made me a prophet, and made me blessed wherever you are, and hath enjoined on me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live, the land my mother, not overbearing or miserable, and peace on the day I was born and the day I die and the day I live) This is the greatest response to those who say that he is God from God, and that is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, because none of the Creator God to be born and die, and be his father, and not for the god to pray!! ولا أن يزكي ولا أن يعلم كتاباً!! Or not to recommend a book to learn!!
وكان في كل أدوار حياته يعلن بشريته وعبوديته لإلهه ومولاه الذي في السماء {وقال عيسى يا بني إسرائيل اعبدوا الله ربي وربكم إنه من يشرك بالله فقد حرم الله عليه الجنة، ومأواه النار وما للظالمين من أنصار} وفي الإنجيل: "أبانا الذي في السماء نقدس اسمك" It was in all roles of life declares his humanity and his submission to God, and his master in the sky (Issa said, O children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord of the gods with Allah, Allah has forbidden Paradise to him, and his abode is the Fire and helpers for the unjust) In the Gospel: "Our Father who art in heaven cherish your name "
وجاء القرآن ليعلن كفر من اعتقد أن عيسى عليه السلام إلهاً خالقاً رازقاً فقال: {لقد كفر الذين قالـوا إن الله هو المسيح ابن مريم قل فمن يملك من الله شيئاً إن أراد أن يهلك المسيح ابن مريـم وأمه ومن في الأرض جميعاً ولله ملك السموات والأرض وما بينهما يخلق ما يشاء والله على كل شيء قدير} The Quran declares the unbeliever believe that Jesus was God, creator Raozka said: (They do blaspheme who say: Allah is Christ the son of Mary Say, who owns something from God that He wants to destroy Christ the son of Mary and his mother is in the earth, and Allah belongs the heavens and the earth and everything in between He creates what He wills and God, all things)
وقال جل وعلا أيضاً: {لقد كفر الذين قالوا إن الله هو المسيح ابن مريم وقال المسيح يا بني إسرائيل اعبدوا الله ربي وربكم إنه من يشرك بالله فقد حرم الله عليه الجنة ومأواه النار وما للظالمين من أنصار* لقد كفر الذين قالوا أن الله ثالث ثلاثة وما من إله إلا إله واحد وإن لم ينتهوا عما يقولون ليمسن الذين كفروا منهم عذاب أليم* أفلا يتوبون إلى الله ويستغفرونه والله غفور رحيـم* ما المسيح ابن مريم إلا رسول قد خلت من قبله الرسل وأمه صديقة كانا يأكلان الطعام انظر كيف نبين لهم الآيات ثم انظر أنى يؤفكون* قل أتعبدون من دون الله ما لا يملك لكم ضراً ولا نفعاً والله هو السميع العليم} (المائدة:71-76) The interpretation of the meaning as well: (I do blaspheme who say God is Christ, the Son of Mary and Jesus said, O children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord of gods with Allah, Allah has forbidden Paradise to him and his abode is the Fire and helpers for the unjust * have disbelieved who say that God is three and a third of God but one God, although not finished what they say, the blasphemers who disbelieve them a painful punishment * For Allah and seek forgiveness of Allah is Forgiving, Merciful * The Messiah son of Mary, Messenger had not previously before the Apostles and his mother a friend were eating food, see how they show them the verses and see that I perverted * Say ye worship, besides God, what does not have the harm or benefit you and Allah is Hearing, Knowing) (Table :71-76)
وفي هذه الآيـات من الدلالات الواضحات على إبطال دين النصرانية ما لا يتسع لشرحه المقام، فقد أعلن أولاً كفر من زعم أن عيسى عليه السلام هو الله، ومن جعله ثالث ثلاثة، وبين أن عيسى وأمه كنا يأكلان الطعام وهذا دليل حاجة، وللطعام ضرورته المعروفة، وفضلاته التي لا تليق بالإله!! In these verses indications Allowadhat to reverse the religion of the Christians that do not have room to explain here, has announced the first anyone who claims that Jesus is God, and make it the third of three, and that Jesus and his mother were eating food, this guide is a need, and food necessity known, and waste which are not worthy of god!!
وفي الآيـات أن الإله لا يكون إلا واحداً لأن الإله هو من يملك نفع عبده وضره ومن هو خالقه ورازقه، وعيسى لم يكن كذلك فلم يكن خالقاً ولا رازقاً للبشر، وهو لا يملك لنفسه نفعاً ولا ضراً فضلاً أن يملكه لعابده، ولما كان الخلق واحداً فإن الخالق لا بد وأن يكون واحداً بالضرورة ولو كانـوا ثلاثة لذهب كل إله بما خلق ولعلا بعضهم على بعض!! In the verses that God can only be one because God is who has the benefit of slave and harm is and who is the Creator and Provider, and Jesus was not the case it was not a creator nor Raozka of human beings, he does not have the same benefit or harm as well as that owned by the worshiper, and as the creation and one of the Creator must necessarily be one, even though they went three for each god created, and each other!! {قل لو كان معه آلهة كما يقولون إذا لابتغوا إلا ذي العرش سبيلا} أي لمغالبته. (Say: If the gods with him as they say, if you plotted a way only a throne) ie Mgalapth.
وقال تعالى: {لو كان فيهما آلهة إلا الله لفسدتا فسبحان الله...} وقال تعالى: {بل أتيناهم بالحق وأنهم لكاذبون ما اتخذ الله من ولد وما كان معه من إله إذا لذهب كل إله بما خلق ولعلا بعضهم على بعض سبحان الله عما يصفون}. He says: (if by the gods but Allah, Glorified Glory to God ...) and the Almighty said: (even sent them the Truth and that they are liars taken God was born and was with him from God if you went all God created, and each other Hallelujah what they describe ).
وهذه قضية عقلية لا يماري فيها عاقل، وقد كان البشر جميعاً وقت نزول الوحي على غير ذلك تماماً فقد اعتقد كل منهم بإله غير الله خالق السموات والأرض وعبدوا بشراً وملائكة وجناً وشمساً وقمراً، وحجراً وشجراً... This is an issue mentality did not contest the sane, and it was all human beings as the revelation of otherwise completely lost all of them I think God is not God the Creator of the heavens and the earth and worship human beings and angels and jinn and the sun and moon, and stone, and trees ... الخ عبادة ذل وخضوع وتقرب ومحبة! Etc. worship the yoke of subordination and closer and love!
وجـاء هذا الرسول الأمي ليعلن لهؤلاء جميعاً أن الإله لا يكون إلا واحداً وذلك لأن الإله الحق من خلق ورزق، ومن يدبر السماوات والأرض، ومن يتصرف في الملك كله، وليس هذا إلا لخالق السماوات والأرض وحده سبحانه وتعالى... This was a Prophet illiterate to announce to all these people that God can only be one, because the true God of creation and livelihood, and manages the heavens and the earth, and dispose of the King all, this is not only to the Creator of the heavens and the earth and only the Almighty ... وأنه لو كان معه إله آخر لفسد الكون واضطـرب، وتنازع الآلهة الخلق ولعلا بعضهم على بعض وأنى لرجل أمي لم يقرأ ولم يكتب، ولم يطالع ما عند الأمم من العقائد أن يعلم عقائد الجميع بل أسرار عقائدهم وحقيقة قولهم، ثم ينكر على هذه العقائد فيبطلها بالحجة الدامغة، والقول الذي لا يمكن أن يعارض. And if he was with another god to mess up the universe and simmer, and fought the gods of creation and filled at one another and I've been a man my mother did not read did not write, did not he read what the nations faiths to teach doctrines of everyone, but the secrets of their beliefs and the fact they said, and then deny these beliefs Phipptalha argument compelling , and say that can not be opposed.
أليس هذا من أعظم الأدلة على أن محمد بن عبدالله صلى الله عليه وسلم هو رسول الله حقاً وصدقاً. Is not this the greatest evidence that Mohammed bin Abdullah peace be upon him is the messenger of God truly and sincerely.

الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم يخبر اليهود بمعتقداتهم، وما يخفونه من دينهم: The Prophet peace be upon him tells Jewish beliefs, and hide part of their religion:
ومن الأدلة كذلك على أن القرآن كلام الله حقاً وصدقاً أنه أخبر اليهود بحقيقة دينهم، وأظهر كثيراً مما كانوا يخفونه من هذا الدين حتى عن العامة منهم وعن أهل ملتهم فجاء القرآن فأظهر ذلك للناس وهتك أستارهم، وأخرج أسرارهم. It is also evidence that the Koran is the word of God truly and sincerely that he told the Jews the truth of their religion, and showed much of what they hide of this religion from the public until their co-religionists and people of the Koran came fully demonstrating to the people and HTC Ostaarham, took out their secrets. قال تعالى: {وما قدروا الله حق قدره إذ قالوا ما أنزل الله على بشر من شيء قل من أنزل الكتاب الذي جاء به موسى نوراً وهدى للناس تجعلونه قراطيس تبدونها وتخفون كثيراً وعلمتم ما لم تعلموا أنتم ولا آباؤكم قل الله ثم ذرهم في خوضهم يلعبون} (الأنعام:91) He says: (And they esteem of Allah: They said what Allah has revealed to human beings is nothing less than drop the book, which came by Moses, a light and a guidance for mankind Tdjalonh Qratis Tbdonha and hide a lot and you knew what you know not you nor your fathers Say: Allah then Let them go about playing) ( cattle: 91)
وقال تعالى: {يا أهل الكتاب قد جاءكم رسولنا يبين لكم كثيراً مما كنتم تخفون من الكتاب ويعفو عن كثير قد جاءكم من الله من نور وكتاب مبين* يهدي به الله من اتبع رضوانه سبل السلام ويخرجهم من الظلمات إلى النور بإذنه ويهديهم إلى صراط مستقيم} (المائدة:15-16) He says: (O people of the book has come to our Prophet shows you much of what you hide from the Scripture, and forgiving much has come from Allah and a Clear Book * guide by God, follow His pleasure ways of peace and drive them out of darkness into light by His decree, and guide them to the straight path) ( Table :15-16)
وليس هناك من أمة هتك الله أسرارها، وبين حقيقة أمرها وأظهر مكنون قلوبها كاليهود، وذلك أنهم العدو اللدود للإسلام وأهله منذ وجد الإسلام، وإلى قيام الساعة، وقد كان فضح القرآن لأسرارهم، وإظهاره لحقيقة أمرهم، الزاماً لهم بالحجة من دينهم وبياناً لما أخفوه من الحق، وأظهروه من الباطـل، وإثباتاً لهم أن محمداً بن عبدالله هو رسول الله حقا وصدقاً وأنه المخلص الحق الذي ينتظرونه ليخلصهم وأنه المبشر به على لسان موسى وسائر أنبيائهم. There is no nation HTC God's secrets, and the fact her and showed innermost hearts such as Jews, so they're bitter enemy of Islam and Muslims since found Islam, and the time, was exposing the Koran to their secrets, and demonstrating their reality, binding them with proof of their religion and what had hid it from the right , and shown from wrong, and proof to them that Muhammad bin Abdullah is the messenger of God and truly honest and sincere that the right waiting for him to save them and that the evangelist by the words of Moses and other Prophets.
ثم ليكون هذا أيضاًَ تبصيراً بحقيقة أمرهم، وتعليماً للمسلمين طرائق الوقاية منهم، ودحضاً لباطلهم، وإزالتهم من وجه دعوة الإسلام ليأخذ طريقه في هداية البشر، وإقامة الحجة على المعاندين منهم. Then this is also the fact Tbesira ordered them, educated Muslims, including prevention methods, and a refutation of the falsehood, and remove from the face of Islam's call to take the way of the conversion of human beings, and build an argument against intransigent them.
ولو كان القرآن قد جاء بخبر واحد على خلاف الحق في كل ذلك لكان هذا دليلاً واضحاً عندهم أن القرآن ليس كلام الله ولكان هذا كافياً لهدم رسالة الإسلام ومع تغيظ اليهود على الإسلام، وسعيهم في إبطال رسالة الرسول فإنهم لم يجدوا شيئاً مما قاله عنهم غير الحق، وإلى يومنا هذا، ولو وجدوا خبراً واحداً غير الحق لطيروه في كل مكان، وتكلموا به في كل زمان. If the Koran came the news of one other than the right to all of this was clear evidence of them, is that the Koran is not the word of God and this was enough to destroy the message of Islam with enrage the Jews to Islam, seeking to invalidate a Prophet, they did not find anything that was said by them is not right, To this day, even if they found one story but the truth of Tiroh everywhere, and spoke of him at all times.
فمن أسرارهم التي أخفوها، وتظاهروا أمام الأمم والشعوب بغيرها، معاندتهم للرسل وقتلهم لأنبياءهم، وكونهم شعب صلب الرقبة، قساة القلوب {ثم قست قلوبكم من بعد ذلك فهي كالحجارة أو أشد قسوة} قد لعنوا على ألسنة رسلهم، هذا مع تقبيحهم وإيذائهم لأنبيائهم والساعين في نجاتـهم وإنقاذهم فقد آذوا موسى، واتهموه بقتل أخيه هارون، وهو المخلص الذي جاء لخلاصهم وسبوا الله واتهموه بالبخل والعجز، والضعف والنسيان {وقالت اليهود يد الله مغلولة غلت أيديهم ولعنوا بما قالوا بل يداه مبسوطتان ينفق كيف يشاء، وليزيدن كثيراً منهم ما أنـزل إليك من ربك طغياناً وكفراً وألقينا بينهم العداوة والبغضاء إلى يوم القيامة كلما أوقدوا ناراً للحرب أطفأها الله ويسعون في الأرض فساداً والله لا يحب المفسدين} (المائدة:64) It is their secrets, which they hid, and demonstrated in front of nations and peoples to other, Amaandthm of the apostles and murder of prophets, and they are the people the heart of the neck, stiff heart (and then measure your heart after that, they are like stone or more severe) has cursed a year Messengers, with this Taqbiham and abuse of the prophets and seekers in their survival and rescue has hurt Moses, and accused him of murdering his brother Aaron, a Savior who came to salvation, cursing God and accused him of avarice and helplessness, weakness and forgetfulness, (The Jews God's hands are tied their hands tied and they meant what they said, but his hands Mpsottan spend how he wants, and Esidn many of them has been revealed to thee from thy Lord tyranny Kafra and we took them enmity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection when lit a fire for war, Allah extinguished and spread mischief on earth and God does not like spoilers) (round: 64
The Koran he denied the God that Olsqoh, swore at him glorified it, and denied the messengers of God are treated them shamefully, and the captives it has insulted Ibrahim peace be upon him, accusing him of Baldeattp and cursing Lot peace be upon him Spa ugly, and attributed to him that he committed zina with his daughters after drinking alcohol!! They accused Moses of killing Aaron, and charged Aaron peace be upon him is the manufacturer of the calf, who worshiped him, and accused the Solomon peace be upon him of witchcraft, and attributed the poem does not say a poet Magen (Song of Songs), The Koran denies all of this is contained all Avtroh to God and his messages, and invalidates the argument and their song favorite they God's chosen people to another time, he said that this was only a short time and then God for them because of their disbelief and obstinacy and killed the prophets, and another tried to kill him is Jesus, who sought the Sultan Rumi infidel to kill him in every way, and Astsdroa is it to kill him after being accused of him that son of a bitch, and that a heretic infidel liar!! It is astounding that this is still believed to the day in Jesus!! The most surprising of these times Christians who are loyal to the Jews and loved ones while staying on these beliefs and this is only because they are the enemies of Islam!
I say that I a man my mother was born in Mecca did not read the book, did not discuss the dead and a priest and knew nothing of the previous religions to learn all this, and to correct for the Jews of their beliefs, and prove their falsehood, and out Mkhazehm and invite them all of mercy, kindness and compassion with their hostility to him to take the path of the Lord, and enter into a straight path, though not only this verse alone, if given enough eyes to it.
It is a hidden secrets that even the common folk of stoning the adulterer and the adulteress, and the rabbis have changed this provision, and invented another provision, which is blackening the face of it the impact of adultery, and wandering in the markets, and exposed on the heads of people!! And what happened from each of adultery in the time of the Messenger of God, and judged by the Prophet, peace be upon him, and believed that it will benefit them in their religion if the rule of the prophet lighter sentence of stoning Vqubloh, but the Prophet peace be upon him tell them that the rule of God revealed to them in the Torah, which to them is the stoning, Jadloh and in that, and they said they know they are liars, we find the stoning sentence in our book!!
The Prophet ordered them to come to the Torah and read it to them if they are truthful!! Bring the Torah and proceeded to ink a liar of the rabbis read the provisions of adultery, and when he came to the stoning sentence moved him, and put his hand on the verse of stoning, and Abdullah bin Salam may Allah be pleased with him present said to him, raise your hand, and read his own verse of stoning in the Torah!!
Has appeared in all of the people after the stoning of the adulterer is the rule of God revealed in the Bible that showed Jews and Christians the Old Testament (Torah) and the New Testament (Bible).

These are the verses of stoning in the Torah, which in the hands of the Jews and Christians today:
(If the man take a woman and when he entered her hated attributed to the causes of talk and rumor about an evil name, "said this woman has taken and what Dnot of them did not find her virginity, he says, the girl's father to the elders, I gave this man my daughter, wife Vobgdha, and now it has made the causes of the words he did not find the daughter This is a sign virginity maidenhead daughter and Ibstan hundred pieces of silver and give them to my father that the girl to spread evil name on a virgin of Israel, he may not put her away all his days.
But if this is true there are no virginity of the girl the girl out to the door of her father's house and her city Ergmeha men stoned to die because they worked folly in Israel Bznaha Vtantzaa evil from Israel ..
If you were a virgin betrothed to a man whispers to her man in the city and lay with her Vokrjohma both to the door of that city and Arjmoheme stones until they die girls for they did not scream in the city and the man he had forced a woman owner shalt thou put away evil from among you, but if any man betrothed damsel in the field grabbed her man and lay with her dying man who lay with her alone, or girls do not do nothing, not the damsel no sin worthy of death is also a man of his neighbor and kill him killed so is this matter that, in the field, and her grandfather betrothed damsel cried, it was not to save her) (Deuteronomy 22)
And of the Koran was revealed in all of this, and I know God and His Messenger, including the people of the Book hide in this regard, if it is not a sign of the Prophet but this verse is stopped.
It was narrated by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj may God have mercy on him this story isnaad that Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with this way of useful, Abdullah ibn Umar told him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him came Jew and Jewish have committed zina, so it the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, till it came Jews, he said: [What you will find in the Torah of adultery] said: prevail aspects and Ndjemlhma, and running afoul of the bearers, and brought round for them, he said: [Bring the Torah if you are truthful] brought her Vqrooha even if they pass by a verse of stoning, a boy who read his hand on the verse stoning, and if we read the verse of stoning below, ordered by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Faragma.
Abdullah ibn Umar said: I was the one who stoned, I have seen him a bulwark against the stones himself.
In another account of a Muslim also isnaad to llb said: "passed by the Prophet peace be upon him Jew Mahmma Ciloda called them peace be upon him said:" [So far adulterer find in your letter] said: Yes. He called a man of scholars said: "[I adjure you by God who revealed the Torah to Moses! Is this how you will find an end adulterer in your letter] said: no. Were it not for you Ncdtni this does not tell you. Find stoning, but many in our control we used if we let him Sharif If we take the weak, we have met him. We say: Come Flanjtma something we are maintaining the Sharif and We utterly debased Althumaim place of stoning and flogging. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: [O Allah, I am the first to live if things Omatoh] ordered Faragm revealed by God Almighty: "O Prophet, not grieve thee who rush headlong into Unbelief has to say: that ye are the () not read that. Say: Bring Muhammad, the commanded you not read that Balthumaim and skin, although Ovtokm stoning watch out. Allah revealed: (It is not judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are unbelievers) (It is not judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are wrong) (It is not judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are the transgressors) in all the infidels.
I said: This indicates that the order to leave the stoning has been the secret of secrets, and religious scholars, exhort one another to conceal it, and they continued to violate the command of Allah in this provision, but how the Prophet illiterate peace be upon him to know that stoning is the rule fixed in the Torah was this was a secret They have .. For the fact that God knows this.
News and Holy things for the future and its location also told exactly says: (Say to the leaving of Arabs Stdon to people a very good initial Tqatlonhm or obey the hand of God come to you a goodly reward, but also Turn ye punish you by painful)
Have signed this completely, it has dashed the Prophet to Khaibar and the town fortified was very where Jews seven forts intervention Bsradeb her home, and they stored having their supplies in these forts, and are able to fight others who are in their strongholds, a full year until he finishes discount them, this was the Arabs know open the forts, and fighting from behind the walls, not only fluent fighting in the open and face to face.
He told the prophet of God it will open the Khyber them and makes them prey for Muslims, all of which have been before he left the Apostle to, though not Muhammad bin Abdullah, peace be upon him is the messenger of God really and truly what it is to take a risk and say I will open the Khyber and Egnmha Muslims, the state and the state enemy otherwise indicated, leaving only this to tell the Almighty God, and that the Koran were revealed from who knows secrets of heaven and earth, has told us in this battle Bgjub many have eluded Muslims open first, and found it too far scenario, the Messenger of Allah said to them, on the evening they are trapped Khyber: [flag tomorrow I will give a man loves God and His Messenger, God would open his hands]. Then called Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, and the payment of the flag, and said to him: [Carry on the apostles, not pay any attention, and invite them to testify is no God but Allah and I am a messenger of God, by God to guide your man and one of them is better for you than red camels ]
It was also foretold completely, and signed in the opening day.
And a survey of all what the Qur'aan says about things and very long future reference here is to mention some of the evidence only to prove that this Quran is from Allah, the Almighty.
What we have mentioned above is just evidence that the Quran can not be maligned without God, and that the man is illiterate is impossible to teach doctrines of these nations, and keep the secrets, but to correct their information wrong, and prove its alleged falsehood in religion, and calls nations and all peoples to engage in a religion of righteousness and the righteous path. (What was this Qur'an that maligned without God, but a confirmation of what his hands and detailed book is no doubt from the Lord of the Worlds) (Yunus: 37) This is what we have said one section of the evidence of sincerity of the Prophet peace be upon him and to other evidence that God Almighty.


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