قصتي عن الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام My story about the Prophet peace be upon him
في يوم من ايام الجمعه لقد لبس الرسول معطف غير المعطف الي كان عليه لاخذ الزينه لصلاة الجمعه On Friday, days I have to wear a coat but the Apostle to the coat it was to take the pet for Friday prayers
((فان الرسول كان يملك معطفيا ويلبس المعطف المذكور اعلاة لصلاة الجمعه)) ((The Prophet would have Mattvia and wore a coat mentioned above for the Friday prayer))
فلما لبسه وهو في طريقه للمسجد رأوه صحابيان قام احدهم فطلب من الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام بان يعطيه المعطف فان رسولنا الحبيب لم يتعود عن ان يرد شخصا في طلبه فذهب الرسول لخلع المعطف الذي عليه ولبس المعطف القديم فلما ذهب قال الصحابي الاخر لصحابه When to wear it on his way to the mosque saw Sahabian one of them asked the Prophet, peace be upon him that gives him the coat, the our beloved did not get used to that are people in his request went Apostle to take off the coat, which he and wear coat old when he went said the Companion's other companions
لماذا فعلت هذا الم تعلم ان رسول الله لايملك سوا معطفين وهذا يلبسه للاخذ الزينه ليوم الجمعه وانت تعرف ان الرسول لايرد حدا بطلبه فذهب الان وعتذر منه فندم الصحابي لما سمع كلام صديقه فارد ان يذهب للرسول Why did it not know that the Messenger of Allah does not have Sawa Mattvin This wear to take the pet for the day Friday and you know that the Apostle Layard end of his request went far had apologized and repented his companion when he heard the words of his friend Fard to go to the Messenger
ويعتذر الا برسول اتى عليه الصلاة والسلام وبيدة المعطف ليعطئيه الصحابي الذي طلبه فعتذر الصحابي لاكن طيبة وحسن خلق رسولنا عليه الصلاة والسلام فاصر الرسول على الصحابي باخذ المعطف ولبسه فاخذة الصحابي فلبسه وامر الصحاابه بان يلبسوونه المعطف لما يموت ويدفنونه به ففعلو هذا لما توفي And apologize, but the Messenger came upon him and peace and with his hand on the coat of Iattiih Companion requested by Ftdhir Companion I was a good and create a good Prophet peace be upon him insisted the prophet companion snapped a coat and wear it took him Companion Vlbsa ordered Asahaabh that Ilbswonh coat when he dies, and Idvnnouna tags Vflo this would not have died
الصحابي رضي الله عنه Companion may Allah be pleased with him
ويقول الصحابي لما لبس المعطف انه يحس ببرودة جسم الرسول سبحاان الله According to the Companion to wear the coat that he feels cold body of the Apostle Nominate
انضرو الى حب الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام لاصحابه فالنحب بعض كما امرنا وعلمنا نبينا محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام Andharo to love the Prophet, peace to his companions, some as Valenhab hurry and we know our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
((المعطف هو كالثوب او الجكيت )) ((Or coat is Kalsoub Alczykt))
إرسال تعليق