كان صلى الله عليه وسلم يقطع ملل الحياة الزوجية ببعض المزاح لترفيه عن أهله، فقد ورد أنه صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يسابق بعض زوجاته: The peace be upon him interrupt the monotony of married life with some jokes to entertain his family, it was reported that peace be upon him was racing against some of his wives:
فعن عائشة – رضى الله عنها - : "أنها كانت مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فى سفر، وهى جارية، فقال لأصحابه: تقدموا، ثم قال: تعالى أسابقك، فسابقته، فسبقته على رجلى، فلما كان بعد، خرجت معه فى سفر، فقال لأصحابه: تقدموا، ثم قال: تعالى أسابقك، ونسيت الذى كان وقد حملت اللحم، فقلت: كيف أسابقك يا رسول الله، وأنا على هذه الحال؟ فقال: لتفعلن، فسابقته فسبقنى، فقال: هذه بتلك السبقة". It was narrated from Aisha - may Allah be pleased: - "It was with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in the book, which is ongoing, he said to his companions: forward, and then said: Come Osabakk, The Source, Vsbakth on two, when he was after, I went out with him on a journey, he said to his companions: forward, and then said: Come Osabakk, I forgot, which was held the meat, I said: How Osabakk O Messenger of God, and I am on this case? He said: Tfln The Source Vsbgueni, said: This Sbqp that. "
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